I bought Sammy the sloth for my wife. Since arrival it has been the cutest thing for her, just having him there brings her calmness and relaxation. Definitely recommend, the cuteness is what does it for her.
Embracing the large heart offers warmth and comfort while sitting in stillness. A joyful way to connect to the moment during meditation or while taking adult time outs! Enjoy❣️
Love my Hugimal. The weight relieves stress and it’s so soft and comforting. Has such a calming effect. I received the elephant as a gift and I sent Sam the Sloth to a friend that’s feeling homesick. What an incredible idea.
The recipient, who is struggling with dementia, loved the little dog. It is her new companion and she takes it everywhere.
Got this for my girlfriend for Valentines Day, she absolutly loves it. Only thing is the weight is all on one side of the ball, not centered, so it does feel a little awkward sometimes. Not sure if they're all like that or if it was a manufacturing issue. Other than that its adorable, very soft, she loves it! Personalized message feature isnt great, it only appears in very small print on the tracking info sheet that comes with the package. Thought it was going to be a cute note inside the box or something, so was disappointed there. Love the idea of the weighted plushie.
Very cuddly, just the right size and weight, and love that pink!! Is there anything cuter than pigs' noses?
The animals are so cute and definitely are soothing. The tees are well made and add an additional essence of cuteness.
Hugimals are amazing -- relaxing, high-quality, and just the right size and weight. Highly recommend!
Both Grandaughters loved their Huggies. The 12yr.old began chemo treatments last week and her Koala was on the bed with her all day.
Wonderful .!
Quinn is made with TLC. Perfect size and weight for any age that suffers any form of mental health. Whenever this adorable koala is needed it’s just a hug away!
It is so cute. I got it for a special needs student in hopes it will help her with transition from school to transportation home. I will definitely need to get another one for myself
Background: I ordered 3 pink Hugimals hearts for my teenage granddaughters for Valentine's Day. I had them mailed directly to one in college and the other two at their home. Before they arrived, I received an email from the company to indicate they might have mixed up orders and sent one red heart instead of a pink heart and to let them know when the package was opened, and they would fix it. As it turns out, that is what happened, and my college granddaughter received a red one. The company couldn't have been more responsive--sent the pink one immediately and suggested my granddaughter keep the red one to give it to a friend who needed a hug. All my girls were delighted with their weighted pink hearts--I was thrilled they were happy, and so impressed that the company gave me a heads up about the possible mix-up and fixed it so quickly. I love Hugimals World!